How are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

For many people, when they see their Eugene dentist, they might tell you that the wisdom tooth needs to be removed. This might be scary, and people might wonder if they really need it removed, or if you can leave it alone. While it is up for debate in the medical community, it’s important to learn about it, and you’ll learn of the process of wisdom teeth and why they might be removed.
Now, these wisdom teeth are four molars that are behind your
adult molars. They’re teeth that are only in the adult form, and you only get
one set of them. There is only one set because early humans were likely to use
the molars a lot, so the wisdom teeth are essentially a backup. However, as
diets changed, with less tough, fibrous foods that could wear this down, you
don’t really need them as much. Along with that, early humans had much larger
skulls, which means that nowadays, we don’t need to have these teeth since
often it crowds us. More and more people are getting them removed, so it’s not
something weird anymore.
As for if they need to be removed, it honestly depends on
the situation. For teens, they often start to erupt, and it’s important to look
at the teen’s overall oral health. If a patient doesn’t have good oral hygiene,
it’s important to remove these, since it will create unnecessary decay on teeth
that are needed. If they’re not developing in a normal direction, this is also
grounds for being removed. If they’re crowding the jaw as well, it’s important
to remove since it can change the structure of the mouth. Many don’t realize
this, but often it’s encouraged to remove them when one is younger, since it
makes it much less complicated. The hardest part during teenage years regarding
wisdom teeth is the fact that the root isn’t totally formed, so often it will
be shorter and in some cases it can create a few complications. But in terms of
yanking it out, it’s easier to remove, and teens heal much easier.
Now, for adults it’s essentially based on the health
problems and how quickly the person can heal from an extraction if the tooth
doesn’t need to be removed. If a person has diabetes or doesn’t heal well, they
might not remove it. If a person has issues with sedation, it might also not be
removed. If a person is n blood thinners, there might be special precautions
that a dentist might take before they remove it. Removing a tooth might be a
god decision for some adults, but it’s important to assess the health risks. If
you’re an adult who’s never had them removed but you’re in good health right
now, it’s encouraged to remove, since this can help with the overall
experience, and it can prevent crowding and decay in the future.

Now is wisdom tooth removal a huge deal? For some, it can be. However, it’s a relatively simple procedure with very few complications. The complications are often tied to anesthesia, especially if you’re allergic to something. With modern advances, however this eliminates the painfulness of extractions that were more common. In many cases, if you have these removed, you often might feel a bit of discomfort and pain for a few days. This is normal, so make sure that you do take the painkillers and the antibiotics that you’re given to help lessen this. However, you might even be sedated for this if you need it, and it can make the experience much easier on you. If you do need the removal, don’t worry, because it’s pretty fast, and relatively painless.
Wisdom tooth removal is often something that is encouraged
by some Eugene dentists depending on the situation. If you feel like you might
need this for whatever reason, do consult your dentist about this. It can make
a huge difference in your overall oral health, so make sure you’re doing what
is right for the body. You should get them removed if the conditions befit
removing a wisdom tooth, especially fi tit’s causing pain and other
complications within the mouth too.
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